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ISO 20022 accounts payable

Accounts payable processes use ISO 20022 pain.001.001.003 and pain.002.001.003 messages according to the CGI (Common Global Implementation).

PaymentsPlus consumes and produces these files:

  • Transmit a pain.001.001.003 payment import file to PaymentsPlus to send Australian and New Zealand payments.
  • PaymentsPlus responds with three levels of pain.002.001.003 remittance messages.

Launch the ISO 20022 accounts payable sandbox

Use the sandbox to validate that the format of your pain.001.001.003 file is correct. The sandbox:

  • allows you to upload a pain.001.001.003 file of up to 200kb,
  • responds with the location of any errors in your file, or the details of any payments when successful,
  • does not guarantee that payments will process successfully, only that the format of the file is correct,
  • does not take into account the types of payments that are accepted by your PaymentsPlus facility, and
  • does not perform duplicate checking.

Data considerations

See Australian domestic payment currencies for important data considerations.

Australian Direct Entry (EFT)

  • The total count of Australian Direct Entry (EFT) transactions in a file cannot exceed 999,999

File validation

ISO pain.001.001.003 files are validated according to the XML schema on ISO 20022 Payments messages. Files that do not meet the schema requirements will be rejected.

PaymentsPlus performs additional validation to ensure your facility is able to send the payments in the file.


The structure of a Payment Initiation pain.001.001.003 payment import file is:

Diagram explaining the three levels in a PAIN.001 message

  • One block at the 'Group Level'

    • One 'Message Identification'
    • One 'Sum and Totals'
    • One 'Initiating Party'
  • One block at the 'Payment ID Level'

    • One 'Payment Methods and Types'
    • One 'Originating Account'
  • One or more blocks at the 'Transaction Level'

    • One 'Counterparty Details'
    • One or more payment records
    • Zero or more remittance records
    • Zero or more invoice records

Important: Please refer to the v3 XSD for specific validation rules

Group level

Lev ISO XML element Message Item Req Len Format Example, Description or element name
1 <Document> M
2 <CstmrCdtTrfInitn> Customer Credit Transfer Initiation M <CstmrCdtTrfInitn>
3 <GrpHdr> Group Header M <GrpHdr>
4 <MsgId> Message Identification M 1-35 1000044716
4 <CreDtTm> Creation Date Time M 19 TZ format 2018-12-14T14:05:41
4 <NbOfTxs> Number Of Transactions M 1-15 Numeric 3
4 <CtrlSum> Control Sum M 1-18 Amount 30865.64
4 <InitgPty> Initiating Party M <InitgPty>
5 <Nm> Name M 1-140 ABC Corporation

Payment ID level

Lev ISO XML element Message Item Req Len Format Example, Description or element name
3 <PmtInf> PaymentInformation M <PmtInf>
4 <PmtInfId> PaymentInformationIdentification M 1-20 Alphanumeric
4 <PmtMtd> PaymentMethod M 3 List of codes TRF for DE, OTT, BPAY and RTGS. CHK for Cheques. See Specifying the payment method.
4 <NbOfTxs> NumberOfTransactions M 1-15 Numeric Total number of transactions within a Payment Information batch.
4 <CtrlSum> ControlSum O 1-18 Amount, including cents Optional to include. If included, value will be checked.
4 <PmtTpInf> PaymentTypeInformation M <PmtTpInf>
5 <InstrPrty> InstructionPriority M NORM NORM - all processed as normal priority.
5 <SvcLvl> ServiceLevel M <SvcLvl>
6 <Cd> Code O List of codes Use NURG for BPAY, DE, or Cheque payments. Use URGP for OTT and RTGS transactions. Otherwise do not include. See Specifying the payment method.
5 <LclInstrm> LocalInstrument O <LclInstrm> Include these elements only for BPAY and OTT transactions
6 <Cd> Code O IN for OTT payments. Otherwise do not include. See Specifying the payment method.
6 <Prtry> Proprietary O Use BPAY for BPAY payments. Otherwise do not include. See Specifying the payment method.
4 <ReqdExctnDt> RequestedExecutionDate M yyyy-MM-dd The date that the file is sent for processing. A file with a past date is automatically sent for processing upon being authorised, or immediately if file authorisation is not enabled.
4 <Dbtr> Debtor M <Dbtr>
5 <Nm> Name M 1-140 Name of submitting customer, not used in validation.
5 <PstlAdr> Postal Address O Alphanumeric <PstlAdr>
6 <StrtNm> Street Name O 1-70 Alphanumeric
6 <BldgNb> BuildingNumber O 1-16 The combined maximum length of <BldgNb> and <StrtNm> is 86 characters.
6 <TwnNm> Town Name O Alphanumeric
6 <CtrySubDvsn> Country Subdivision (State) O Alphanumeric
6 <Ctry> Country O Alphanumeric
5 <CtryOfRes> Country of Residence O ISO Country Code For example AU
4 <DbtrAcct> DebtorAccount M <DbtrAcct> - this branch contains the funding account number
5 <Id> M 1-35 <Id>
6 <Othr> M <Othr>
7 <Id> M The account number
4 <DbtrAgt> DebtorAgent M <DbtrAgt> This branch contains the funding account BSB
5 <FinInstnId> M <FinInstnId>
6 <BIC> M Code WPACAU2S for Australian domiciled accounts, WPACNZ2W for New Zealand domiciled accounts.
6 <ClrSysMmbId> M <ClrSysMmbId>
7 <MmbId> M 1-35 BSB or NZ bank and branch code The funding BSB, e.g. 032000, 032-000 or bank code + branch code for New Zealand.
6 <PstlAdr> O <PstlAdr>
7 <Ctry> M ISO country code For example AU
5 <BrnchId> M <BrnchId>
6 <Id> M The funding BSB for Australia, e.g. 032000 or bank code and branch code for New Zealand.
4 <ChrgBr> ChargeBearer O SHAR or DEBT The international charge bearer code to apply to this transaction. Available values are SHAR - Fees shared between payer and beneficiary and DEBT - Fees paid by ordering customer (payer). Note This is only available as part of a premium solution, this feature needs to be agreed and enabled by Westpac Implementation before use. If the feature is not enabled before processing it is ignored and the facility default will be used instead

Transaction level

Lev ISO XML element Message Item Req Len Format Example, Description or element name
4 <CdtTrfTxInf> CreditTransferTransactionInformation M <CdtTrfTxInf>
5 <PmtId> PaymentIdentification M <PmtId>
6 <InstrId> InstructionIdentification O 1-35 Appears in pain.002.001.003 and on screens in PaymentsPlus but is not passed through to the recipient with the payment.
6 <EndToEndId> EndToEndIdentification M Variable Payment Reference. This value is sent with payment from debtor to creditor as it travels through the clearing system. For length restrictions and payment channel specific information see Specifying the End To End Id.
5 <Amt> Amount M `
6 <InstdAmt Ccy="AAA"> InstructedAmount M 1-10 Amount, currency specified. Maximum 9999999.99. Payment amount.
Different limits may apply per payment type or currency.
5 <XchgRateInf> ExchangeRateInformation O <XchgRateInf> - this block is optional, include if there is an exchange rate deal negotiated.
6 <XchgRate> ExchangeRate O 6-13
6 <RateTp> RateType O
6 <CtrctId> ContractIdentification O 1-16
5 <ChrgBr> ChargeBearer O 4 SHAR or DEBT The international charge bearer code to apply to this transaction. Available values are SHAR - Fees shared between payer and beneficiary and DEBT - Fees paid by ordering customer (payer). Note This is only available as part of a premium solution, this feature needs to be agreed and enabled by Westpac Implementation before use. If the feature is not enabled before processing it is ignored and the facility default will be used instead
5 <ChqInstr> ChequeInstruction O
6 <ChqTp> ChequeType O 4 List of codes BCHQ for Bank cheques CCHQ for Corporate cheques
6 <ChqNb> ChequeNumber O 1-7 Cheque numbers must be either all provided, or not provided at all. Appears as Cheque No:on standard remittances. It is recommended that this value be unique for each payment. Whether or not the customer will provide cheque numbers will be arranged during implementation.
6 <DlvryMtd> DeliveryMethod O <DlvryMtd>
7 <Cd> Code O 4-6 List of codes See table for more details, valid values include: MLDB*, *MLCD*, *MLFA, CRDB, CRCD, CRFA, PUDB, PUCD, PUFA, RGDB, RGCD, RGFA*
6 <InstrPrty> InstructionPriority M 4 NORM NORM
6 <ChqMtrtyDt> ChequeMaturityDate O 10 yyyy-MM-dd E.g. 2018-12-14
6 <FrmsCd> FormsCode O 2 2 digits Remittance layout code, speak with your Westpac Implementation manager for valid values.
6 <MemoFld> MemoField O Alphanumeric Remittance footer value
5 <UltmtDbtr> UltimateDebtor O Can be included optionally, speak with your Westpac implementation manager if this is required.
6 <Nm> Name M Name of submitting customer. Optional remitter name to use with an outgoing AU EFT payment (only). Only the first 16 characters are used and if a name is not provided, the current account default will be used.
6 <PstlAdr> Postal Address O Alphanumeric <PstlAdr>
5 <IntrmyAgt1> Intermediary Agent O Populate if an intermediary SWIFT code is required for an OTT transaction, otherwise do not include.
6 <FinInstnId> FinancialInstitutionIdentification O <FinInstnId>
7 <BIC> Intermediary SWIFT Code O 8 or 11 exactly A valid BIC for OTT transactions. If an intermediary SWIFT code is required populate it here, otherwise do not include.
5 <CdtrAgt> CreditorAgent O Populate Creditor Agent for financial institution details for the creditor's account, See Specifying the account
6 <FinInstnId> FinancialInstitutionIdentification M <FinInstnId>
7 <BIC> BIC O 8 or 11 exactly A valid BIC for OTT transactions. Otherwise do not include. See Specifying the account.
7 <ClrSysMmbId> ClearingSystemMemberIdentification O <ClrSysMmbId>
8 <Cd> Code O 5 List of codes
8 <Prtry> Proprietary O
8 <MmbId> MemberIdentification M AUBSB for OTT, RTGS, DE. BillerNumber for BPAY transactions. Otherwise do not include the <ClrSysMmbId> node.
7 <Nm> Name O
7 <PstlAdr> PostalAddress O <PstlAdr>
6 <BrnchId> BranchIdentification O
7 <Id> Identification O A valid Sort Code for OTT payments, a valid BSB for DE and RTGS payments; or a valid BPAY biller number for BPAY payments. Otherwise do not include. See Specifying the account.
5 <Cdtr> Creditor O
6 <Nm> Name O 1-140 140 Characters
6 <PstlAdr> PostalAddress O <PstlAdr>
7 <AdrTp> AddressType O
7 <Dept> Department O
7 <SubDept> SubDepartment O
7 <StrtNm> StreetName O The combined maximum length of <BldgNb> and <StrtNm> is 86 characters. Mandatory for OTT.
7 <BldgNb> BuildingNumber O The combined maximum length of <BldgNb> and <StrtNm> is 86 characters.
7 <PstCd> PostCode O 1-16 Mandatory for OTT when <Ctry> is AU.
7 <TwnNm> TownName O 1-128 Mandatory for OTT.
7 <CtrySubDvsn> CountrySubDivision O 1-35
7 <Ctry> Country O Mandatory for OTT
5 <CdtrAcct> CreditorAccount O Include the recipient's account information.
6 <Id> Identification O
7 <IBAN> IBAN O 1-35 A valid IBAN for OTT and RTGS transactions. Otherwise do not include. See Specifying the account.
7 <Othr> Other O
8 <Id> Identification O 1-20 The account number for DE, OTT and RTGS transactions when an IBAN is not provided; or a valid CRN for BPAY payments. Otherwise do not include.
6 <Nm> Name O 1-70 Account name
5 <Tax> Tax O
6 <Cdtr> Creditor O
7 <TaxId> TaxIdentification O Alphanumeric Creditor's tax identification
5 <RltdRmtInf> RelatedRemittanceInformation O
6 <RmtId> RemittanceIdentification O
6 <RmtLctnMtd> RemittanceLocationMethod O 3-4 List of codes EMAL for EMAIL, POST for mailed remittance.
6 <RmtLctnElctrncAdr> RemittanceLocationElectronicAddress O 1-20 for telephone numbers, 4-256 for email addresses. The telephone number, fax number or email address.
5 <RmtInf> RemittanceInformation O
6 <Ustrd> Unstructured O 1-140 If included for an Osko/X2P1 or AU OTT transaction the first two Ustrd fields will be passed along with the payment instruction.
6 <Strd> Structured O A maximum of 2000 elements is supported.
7 <RfrdDocInf> ReferredDocumentInformation O
8 <Tp> Type O
9 <CdOrPrtry> CodeOrProprietary O
10 <Cd> Code O
10 <Prtry> Proprietary O
9 <Issr> Issuer O
8 <Nb> Number O 1-35 Invoice Description. Appears as Invoice Description on standard remittances.
8 <RltdDt> RelatedDate O The date the invoice was issued. Appears as Invoice Date on standard remittances.
7 <RfrdDocAmt> ReferredDocumentAmount O
8 <DuePyblAmt Ccy="AAA"> DuePayableAmount O The amount of the invoice. Appears as Invoice Amount on standard remittances.
8 <DscntApldAmt Ccy="AAA"> DiscountAppliedAmount O
8 <CdtNoteAmt Ccy="AAA"> CreditNoteAmount O
8 <TaxAmt Ccy="AAA"> TaxAmount O
8 <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> AdjustmentAmountAndReason O
9 <Amt Ccy="AAA"> Amount O The amount of the deduction/discount. Appears as Deduction Amount on standard remittances.
8 <CdtDbtInd> CreditDebitIndicator O
8 <Rsn> Reason O
8 <AddtlInf> AdditionalInformation O
8 <RmtdAmt Ccy="AAA"> RemittedAmount O The paid amount of the invoice. Appears as Amount Paid on standard remittances.
7 <CdtrRefInf> CreditorReferenceInformation O
8 <Ref> Reference O Invoice Number. Printed remittances are limited to 10 chars. Appears as Invoice Number on standard remittances.
7 <AddtlRmtInf> AdditionalRemittanceInformation O Extra remittance data can be passed through under this element, speak with your Westpac implementation manager if this is required.

Specifying the payment method

When specifying a payment channel varying pain.001.001.003 elements need to be populated. Refer to the tables below:

Australian payment channels

<PmtInf><DbtrAgt><FinInstnId><BIC> starts with WPACAU.

Payment Channel <PmtMtd> <PmtTpInf><SvcLvl><Cd> <PmtTpInf><LclInstrm><Cd> <PmtTpInf><LclInstrm><Prtry>
AU Osko TRF X2P1

New Zealand payment channels

<PmtInf><DbtrAgt><FinInstnId><BIC> starts with WPACNZ.

Payment Channel <PmtMtd> <PmtTpInf><SvcLvl><Cd> <PmtTpInf><LclInstrm><Cd>

Specifying the amount

Payment Channel Maximum payment amount
Australian Direct Entry (EFT) 99,999,999.99
New Zealand Direct Entry (EFT) 9,999,999.99
OSKO 99,999,999.99

Specifying the account


For domestic transactions use the following fields to specify the account.

Payment Channel Field Location
Australian Direct Entry/RTGS BSB <CdtrAgt>\<FinInstnId>\<ClrSysMmbId>\<MmbId>
Account Number <CdtrAcct>\<Id>\<Other>\<Id>
NZ Direct Entry Bank + Branch <CdtrAgt>\<FinInstnId>\<ClrSysMmbId>\<MmbId>
Account Number + Suffix <CdtrAcct>\<Id>\<Other>\<Id>
BPay Biller Number <CdtrAgt>\<FinInstnId>\<ClrSysMmbId>\<MmbId>
CRN <CdtrAcct>\<Id>\<Other>\<Id>
OSKO/X2P1 BSB + Account Number <CdtrAcct>\<Id>\<Other>\<Id>
Set BBAN on field <CdtrAcct>\<Id>\<Other>\<SchmeNm>


Typically, an IBAN is used for any of the 34 countries in the SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area).

For non-EUR countries only a SWIFT code and account number is necessary.

If a vendor specifically asks to use a BSB/routing code, set it as per below. PaymentsPlus will decide if the BSB/routing code needs to be used or not for the payment.

Field Location
SWIFT Code <CdtrAgt>\<FinInstnId>\<BIC>
BSB/Routing Code <CdtrAgt>\<FinInstnId>\<ClrSysMmbId>\<MmbId>
IBAN <CdtrAcct>\<Id>\<IBAN>
Account Number <CdtrAcct>\<Id>\<Other>\<Id>

Specifying the End To End Id

Payment Channel Reference Name Min/Max Length Format Description
Australian Direct Entry (EFT) Recipient Reference (Lodgement Reference) 1/18 Alphanumeric This will be the lodgement reference that appears on the payee's bank statement. It is recommended that this value be unique for each payment. Appears as Reference No: on standard remittances. Invalid characters will be removed.
New Zealand Direct Entry (EFT) Payee Analysis 1/12 Alphanumeric This will be the analysis reference that appears on the payee bank statement.
- Some receiving institutions expect this to be numeric
Osko End To End ID 1/35 Alphanumeric A reference assigned by the initiating party to unambiguously identify the payment. This identifier is passed on unchanged throughout the entire end-to-end payment flow. The end-to-end identification can be used for reconciliation or to link tasks relating to the payment.
Cheque Recipient Reference (Cheque Number) 1/7 Numeric The cheque number of the cheque to be issued. Appears as Cheque No:on standard remittances. It is recommended that this value be unique for each payment. Whether or not the customer will provide cheque numbers will be arranged during implementation.
BPAY Recipient Reference (BPAY CRN) 1/20 Numeric BPAY Customer Reference Number. Appears as CRN:on standard remittances.
RTGS Recipient Reference (Lodgement Reference) 1/16 Alphanumeric This reference will be included as part of the credit transaction data appearing on the payee bank statement as WBC PAYPLUS-<Reference>. <Reference> may be truncated by the receiving bank. It is recommended that this value be unique for each payment. Appears as Reference No: on standard remittances.
OTT Recipient Reference 1/16 Alphanumeric This reference will be included as part of the credit transaction data appearing on the payee bank statement as WBC PAYPLUS-<Reference>. <Reference> may be truncated by the receiving bank. It is recommended that this value be unique for each payment. Appears as Reference No:on standard remittances.

Sample files

See these pain.001.001.003 payment import files:

Direct Entry payment

        <Nm>TEST PAYER</Nm>
        <Nm>TEST PAYER</Nm>
          <StrtNm>123 Fake Street</StrtNm>
          <BldgNb>Level 6</BldgNb>
          <Id>303 Collins Street</Id>
          <InstdAmt Ccy="AUD">67.38</InstdAmt>
            <Id>Garden City</Id>
          <Nm>CUSTOMER NAME</Nm>
            <TwnNm>Canberra City</TwnNm>
                <Id>CUSTOMER NAME-0000000001</Id>
          <Nm>CUSTOMER NAME</Nm>
              <TaxblBaseAmt Ccy="AUD">0.00</TaxblBaseAmt>
              <TtlAmt Ccy="AUD">0.00</TtlAmt>
          <InstdAmt Ccy="AUD">18975.00</InstdAmt>
            <Id>Royal Exchange</Id>
          <Nm>CUSTOMER NAME</Nm>
            <StrtNm>123 Fake Street</StrtNm>
            <BldgNb>Level 6</BldgNb>
            <TwnNm>SURRY HILLS</TwnNm>
          <Nm>CUSTOMER NAME</Nm>
              <TaxblBaseAmt Ccy="AUD">0.00</TaxblBaseAmt>
              <TtlAmt Ccy="AUD">0.00</TtlAmt>

Cheque payment

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Nm>TEST PAYER</Nm>
        <Nm>TEST PAYER</Nm>
          <StrtNm>Lee Street</StrtNm>
          <InstdAmt Ccy="AUD">728.95</InstdAmt>
          <MemoFld>Retain document for tax purposes</MemoFld>
          <Nm>TEST PAYER</Nm>
            <StrtNm>LOCKED BAG 1</StrtNm>
              <DuePyblAmt Ccy="AUD">1457.40</DuePyblAmt>
                <Amt Ccy="AUD">0.00</Amt>
              <RmtdAmt Ccy="AUD">1457.40</RmtdAmt>
              <CdtNoteAmt Ccy="AUD">728.45</CdtNoteAmt>

BPAY payment

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <Nm>TEST PAYER</Nm>
        <Nm>TEST PAYER</Nm>
          <InstdAmt Ccy="AUD">1.50</InstdAmt>
          <InstdAmt Ccy="AUD">2.25</InstdAmt>

Osko payment

        <Nm>TEST PAYER</Nm>
        <Nm>TEST PAYER</Nm>
          <StrtNm>123 Fake Street</StrtNm>
          <BldgNb>Level 6</BldgNb>
          <Id>303 Collins Street</Id>
          <InstdAmt Ccy="AUD">67.38</InstdAmt>
            <Id>Garden City</Id>
          <Nm>CUSTOMER NAME</Nm>
            <TwnNm>Canberra City</TwnNm>
                <Id>CUSTOMER NAME-0000000001</Id>
          <Nm>CUSTOMER NAME</Nm>
              <TaxblBaseAmt Ccy="AUD">0.00</TaxblBaseAmt>
              <TtlAmt Ccy="AUD">0.00</TtlAmt>
          <InstdAmt Ccy="AUD">18975.00</InstdAmt>
            <Id>Royal Exchange</Id>
          <Nm>CUSTOMER NAME</Nm>
            <StrtNm>123 Fake Street</StrtNm>
            <BldgNb>Level 6</BldgNb>
            <TwnNm>SURRY HILLS</TwnNm>
          <Nm>CUSTOMER NAME</Nm>
              <TaxblBaseAmt Ccy="AUD">0.00</TaxblBaseAmt>
              <TtlAmt Ccy="AUD">0.00</TtlAmt>
          <Ustrd>unstructured test line 1</Ustrd>
          <Ustrd>unstructured test line 2</Ustrd>

OTT payment

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Nm>TEST PAYER</Nm>
        <Nm>TEST PAYER</Nm>
          <StrtNm>Lee Street</StrtNm>
          <InstdAmt Ccy="AUD">6830.00</InstdAmt>
            <Nm>BNP PARIBAS/ FORTIS BANK</Nm>
          <Nm>CUSTOMER NAME</Nm>
            <StrtNm>TOUR SABLON</StrtNm>
            <BldgNb>CUSTOMER TOWN</BldgNb>
          <Nm>CUSTOMER NAME</Nm>
          <Ustrd>Deal 343571</Ustrd>
              <DuePyblAmt Ccy="AUD">6830.00</DuePyblAmt>
                <Amt Ccy="AUD">0.00</Amt>
              <RmtdAmt Ccy="AUD">6830.00</RmtdAmt>
          <InstdAmt Ccy="AUD">4073.00</InstdAmt>
            <Nm>Berner Kantonalbank AG</Nm>
          <Nm>CUSTOMER NAME</Nm>
            <StrtNm>132 NEUFELDSTRASSE</StrtNm>
          <Nm>CUSTOMER NAME</Nm>
          <Ustrd>Deal 343572</Ustrd>
              <DuePyblAmt Ccy="AUD">4073.00</DuePyblAmt>
                <Amt Ccy="AUD">0.00</Amt>
              <RmtdAmt Ccy="AUD">4073.00</RmtdAmt>

OTT payment with dealer rate

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Nm>TEST PAYER</Nm>
        <Nm>TEST PAYER</Nm>
          <StrtNm>Lee Street</StrtNm>
          <InstdAmt Ccy="USD">6830.00</InstdAmt>
            <Nm>BNP PARIBAS/ FORTIS BANK</Nm>
          <Nm>CUSTOMER NAME</Nm>
            <StrtNm>TOUR SABLON</StrtNm>
            <BldgNb>CUSTOMER TOWN</BldgNb>
          <Nm>CUSTOMER NAME</Nm>
          <Ustrd>Deal 343571</Ustrd>
              <DuePyblAmt Ccy="AUD">6830.00</DuePyblAmt>
                <Amt Ccy="AUD">0.00</Amt>
              <RmtdAmt Ccy="AUD">6830.00</RmtdAmt>
          <InstdAmt Ccy="EUR">4073.00</InstdAmt>
            <Nm>Berner Kantonalbank AG</Nm>
          <Nm>CUSTOMER NAME</Nm>
            <StrtNm>132 NEUFELDSTRASSE</StrtNm>
          <Nm>CUSTOMER NAME</Nm>
          <Ustrd>Deal 343572</Ustrd>
              <DuePyblAmt Ccy="AUD">4073.00</DuePyblAmt>
                <Amt Ccy="AUD">0.00</Amt>
              <RmtdAmt Ccy="AUD">4073.00</RmtdAmt>

RTGS payment

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Nm>TEST PAYER</Nm>
        <Nm>TEST PAYER</Nm>
          <StrtNm>Lee Street</StrtNm>
          <InstdAmt Ccy="AUD">20000000.00</InstdAmt>
          <Nm>TEST PAYER</Nm>
            <StrtNm>Test Street</StrtNm>
            <Nm>Test WBC</Nm>
          <Nm>TESt PAYER</Nm>
            <StrtNm>18 Test Street</StrtNm>
          <Nm>TEST PAYER</Nm>
            <StrtNm>18 Test Street</StrtNm>
          <InstrInf>Test BS13.12.18</InstrInf>
              <DuePyblAmt Ccy="AUD">20000000.00</DuePyblAmt>
                <Amt Ccy="AUD">0.00</Amt>
              <RmtdAmt Ccy="AUD">20000000.00</RmtdAmt>

Sample remittance

Sample printed remittance

Specifying the remittance fields

  • For printed (cheque) remittances, the field <RmtLctnMtd>should be specified as 'POST'.
  • For emailed remittances the field <RmtLctnMtd> should be specified as 'EMAL'.
Field ID (See sample) ISO XML Element Length Example
C2 - "Reference No" <EndToEndId> See Specifying the End to End Id. Limited to 10 characters on printed remittances. 12345604
C3 - "Total Amount" <InstdAmt> 1-10, Maximum 9999999.99 600.00
C5 - "Payee Name" <Cdtr><Nm> 1-35, An extended payee name length (100 chars) is possible upon request. PAYEE NAME
C6 - "Street 1" <Cdtr><PstlAdr><BldgNm> + <Cdtr><PstlAdr><StrtNm> 1-35 100 High St
C9 - "City" <TwnNm> 40 characters for email, printed remittances are limited to 25 characters. SYDNEY
C11 - "State" <CtrySubDvsn> 1-3 NSW
C13 - "Post Code" <PstCd> 1-9 2000
C24 - "Remarks" <ChqInstr><MemoFld> 1-35 Attn: Finance Department
C25 - "Cheque Number" May be provided or allocated by Westpac. If provided, use <ChqInstr><ChqNb> 1-7 1234567
I2 - "Invoice Number" <RmtInf><Strd><CdtrRefInf><Ref> 20 characters for email, printed remittances are limited to 10 characters. Inv. No. 1
I3 - "Invoice Date" <RmtInf><Strd><RfrdDocInf><RltdDt> ISO Date 01/08/19
I4 - "Invoice Amount" <RmtInf><Strd><RfrdDocAmt><DuePyblAmt> 1-10, Maximum 9999999.99 110.00
I6 - "Invoice Amount Paid" <RmtInf><Strd><RfrdDocAmt><RmtdAmt> 1-10, Maximum 9999999.99 100.00
I8 - "Invoice Description" <RmtInf><Strd><RfrdDocInf><Nb> 1-35 Invoice Description 1
I9 - "Deduction Amount" <RmtInf><Strd><RfrdDocAmt><AdjstmntAmtAndRsn><Amt> 1-10, Maximum 9999999.99 10.00
I10 - "Deduction Description" <RmtInf><Strd><RfrdDocAmt><AdjstmntAmtAndRsn><AddtlInf> 1-80 Deduction Description 1


PaymentsPlus responds to a pain.001.001.003 with three levels of pain.002.001.003 messages.

  1. An immediate response at the "Group level" once the file is validated
  2. A response after the file has been submitted to the bank for processing. This may be later if a delayed execution date is specified.
  3. A response once the transactions are processed and their status is known.

The levels are explained below.

Diagram explaining the three levels of response in a PAIN.002 message

Level 1 - File acknowledgement

An immediate response at the file level. Note that after this point a file may be split into many payment batches.

  • If successful: PaymentsPlus accepts the file for processing.
  • If not successful: You will need to look at the error inside the response, then fix and re-submit the entire file.

Level 2 - Payments sent out

A response after PaymentsPlus submits the payment batch to the bank for processing. PaymentsPlus sends this for scenarios involving future dated payments on the value date or authorisation. This response is optional.

  • If successful: PaymentsPlus submits the payment batch to the wider banking system.
  • If not successful: PaymentsPlus rejected the payment batch or it was manually cancelled. Re-submit the entire payment batch. Note: other batches in the original file may have been successful.

Level 3 - Payment result

A response after the banking network processed the transactions and the remote bank reported their status.

  • If successful: The remote bank accepted the individual payment. Note: this does not necessarily mean that the funds are settled at this point.
  • If not successful: Inspect the error for each individual failed transaction and re-try that payment.

Response filenames

Our standard response filenames are as follows, with <Datetime> in the format ddMMyyyyHHmmss.

Type Filename
Acknowledgement PAIN002_<GrpHdr/MsgId>_<Datetime>_ACK.xml
Level 2 and 3 PAIN002_<GrpHdr/MsgId><PmtInf/PmtInfId><Datetime>_CONF.xml


A response file will be produced for each input file provided into PaymentsPlus. Additional remittance files may be produced to update payments which have been subsequently declined by other financial institutions.

Lev ISO element Description Example, element name where no value
2 <CstmrPmtStsRpt>
3 <GrpHdr> Group Header
4 <MsgId> MessageIdentification BBBB/120928-PSR/001
4 <CreDtTm> CreationDateTime 2018-09-28T14:09:00
4 <InitgPty> InitiatingParty
5 <Nm> Name ABC Corporation
5 <PstlAdr> PostalAddress
6 <StrtNm> StreetName Times Square
6 <BldgNb> BuildingNumber 7
6 <PstCd> PostCode NY 10036
6 <TwnNm> TownName New York
6 <Ctry> Country US
3 <DbtrAgt> DebtorAgent
4 <FinInstnId> FinancialInstitutionIdentification
3 <OrgnlGrpInfAndSts> OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus
4 <OrgnlMsgId> OriginalMessageIdentification ABC/120928/CCT001
4 <OrgnlMsgNmId> OriginalMessageNameIdentification pain.001.001.03
4 <OrgnlCreDtTm> OriginalCreationDateTime 2018-09-28T14:07:00
4 <OrgnlNbOfTxs> OriginalNumberOfTransactions 3
4 <OrgnlCtrlSm> OriginalControlSum 1.1500.000
4 <GrpsSts> GroupStatus ACCP
3 <OrgnlPmtInfAndSts> OriginalPaymentInformationAndStatus
4 <OrgnlPmtInfId> OriginalPaymentInformationIdentification 1002279930
4 <PmtInfSts> PaymentInformationStatus ACSP
4 <TxInfAndSts> TransactionInformationAndStatus
5 <StsId> StatusIdentification 2325063353
5 <OrgnlInstrId> OriginalInstrumentIdentification 01-200000010004702019
5 <OrgnlEndToEndId> OriginalEndToEndIdentification 0001000470
5 <TxSts> TransactionStatus ACSP

Status descriptions

The following is a list of Status descriptions

Status Description
ACCP Accepted
ACSP Accepted
ACTC Accepted
RJCT Rejected
PDNG Pending
PART Partial
RCVD Received

Sample file

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Privacy Statement (for individuals whose personal information may be collected - in this clause referred to as "you"). All personal information we collect about you is collected, used and disclosed by us in accordance with our Privacy Statement which is available at Privacy Statement or by calling us through your relationship manager or Westpac representative. Our Privacy Statement also provides information about how you can access and correct your personal information and make a complaint. You do not have to provide us with any personal information but, if you don't, we may not be able to process an application or a request for a product or service.